Sunday, January 30, 2011

Copyrighted by Stark Enterprises? Nooo.....

My first post will be about a video that I saw in my ISYS 565 class.
Watch above or Click here -> TED-The Sixth Sense

The first piece of technology that I want to share is a prototype invention called TED-The Sixth Sense, which can be seen around Pattie Mae’s neck in the video link.  The device is like an over-sized ruler.  This device is capable of doing all the tasks a smart phone can do and much more.  The phone is dynamic and gives the user bigger freedom, by implementing a technology that allows hand manipulations over a projected area.  With this technology, we would be able to multi-task easier and would not have to resort to holding a phone in one hand while tending to another issue.

You all might be wondering what is Stark Enterprises, so let me tell you.  It is a company that known for specializing in environmental home design consulting, environmental service solutions, GIS services, and property rentals.  But I'm really referring to the Marvel Comic one, found in the ever so popular Iron Man comic.  Watching the movie inspired me to write about this post, because I can still remember Tony Stark, main character in the movie, pulling out a projection screen from thin air and using it as if it was a tablet.  It allowed him to surf the internet, write documents, watch videos, and it is also powerful enough to process and hack into government systems.  Seeing the device in the movie, I felt my jaw drop.  And seeing this video about TED made me feel that the invention that Tony Stark has, is but only a decade away.

If this invention were to be placed on the market, I'm pretty sure I would be 50 if not 60.  But I really do hope this type of invention surface soon.  It would make space become more efficient and make the air our computer screen.

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